An Outreach Publication of the Church of Christ at Creekwood

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They Said I Was Special!!!

David Anguish wrote about how Vacation Bible School made a huge impact on one little boy:

“A little boy who attended our Vacation Bible School discovered something which startled him.  He was a visitor, feeling alone in a crowd of excited and noisy children, most of whom know each other and what’s expected in a Bible school assembly.  A little girl — we’re talking pre-schoolers here — sat with him, welcomed him, and treated him like a friend.  His teachers made sure he didn’t get lost in the crowd as they taught the story of Jesus and what it means to be a real success.

And he went home and excitedly reported, ‘Mom!  They said I was special!!!’” *

Anguish also offers some keen insights:  “A pre-schooler doesn’t begin to understand concepts like sin and salvation.  To him, baptism’s just someone getting dunked in a smaller pool than they have at the park.  The theology of atonement, be it the satisfaction theory or Christ victorious, is lost on him.  Whether he’s justified or sanctified is less important to him than whether he can manipulate his blocks, make the right noise for his trucks, or find something useful for his imaginary friend to do.

But he knows love when he sees it.  He knows when someone treats him well — or badly.  He can see whether this person cares about him, or whether that person sees him only as a nuisance or a ‘bad’ child.

There are a lot of people like that pre-schooler in our world.  To be sure, the trucks they play with are bigger than his, and the blocks they build are taller and intended to somehow provide a more lasting memory.  And the places their imaginations take them involve real people, but, as often as not, the expectations prove just as hard to grasp as that pre-schooler’s imaginary friend is to hug.

But they know love when they see it.  They know when someone treats them well — or badly.  They can tell whether this person — or group — cares about them, or whether they are just nuisances who have ruined their lives with bad behavior and thus deserve whatever they get.” *

May we never forget that every person in the world is special.  This is true because every person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27).  It is true because even though every person in the world has sinned (Romans 3:23), God loves every person (John 3:16).  It’s true because Jesus gave His life for every single person in the world (1 John 2:2).

God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time” (1 Timothy 2:4-6).

God will save those who place their faith and trust in Jesus (Acts 16:30-31), turn from their sins in repentance (Acts 17:30-31), confess Jesus before men (Romans 10:9-10), and are baptized (immersed) into Christ for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).  He will continue to cleanse from sin those who continue to walk in the light of His Word (1 John 1:7-9).

What makes YOU special?  God created you.  He loves you.  He wants to save you from your sin and He has made provision for your salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.  He wants to add you to His Family, the church (Acts 2:41,47).  And one day, He wants to take you to live with Him for eternity in a heavenly home (John 14:1-3).

Won’t YOU accept His offer of salvation and eternal life?

-- David A. Sargent

* From “They Said I Was Special!!!” by David Anguish, written for “The Reflector,” a publication of the Church of Christ at Snellville, GA.  August 26, 1998.

David A. Sargent, Minister

Church of Christ at Creekwood 
1901 Schillinger Rd. S.
Mobile, Alabama  36695

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